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Armageddon Riders 83386424
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Armageddon Riders 83386424
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 Armageddon Riders

Aşağa gitmek 

Mesaj Sayısı : 215
Kayıt tarihi : 30/08/10
Nerden : İstanbul
Reklam Alanı : Armageddon Riders F03gq9

Armageddon Riders Empty
MesajKonu: Armageddon Riders   Armageddon Riders Icon_minitimePtsi Ağus. 30, 2010 2:26 pm

Armageddon Riders
PC | English | File Size : 330 MB

Clutch is a fast-paced arcade racing game which will challenge the resilience of anyone? s nerves. You play as a person who has survived a catastrophe of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), while everyone else in the city has been transformed into a bloodthirsty zombie. You return to the abandoned city, looking for a way to change the zombies back into humans. The only way to survive is to move on fast armored vehicles. The player will complete different missions: racing, rescue and more to finally learn the truth.

System Requirements
OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista
Processor: pentium IV 2.5 / AMD athlon 2800+
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 9.0s DirectX-compatible video card with 128 MB of memory
DirectX? : DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB
Sound: DirectX-compatible

Talking Armageddon Riders

Armageddon Riders
PC | English | File Size : 330 MB

Clutch is a fast-paced arcade racing game which will challenge the resilience of anyone? s nerves. You play as a person who has survived a catastrophe of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), while everyone else in the city has been transformed into a bloodthirsty zombie. You return to the abandoned city, looking for a way to change the zombies back into humans. The only way to survive is to move on fast armored vehicles. The player will complete different missions: racing, rescue and more to finally learn the truth.

System Requirements
OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista
Processor: pentium IV 2.5 / AMD athlon 2800+
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 9.0s DirectX-compatible video card with 128 MB of memory
DirectX? : DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB
Sound: DirectX-compatible


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